Results for "Mutual Support, Florida, USA"
191 results statewide
Veterans Affairs - Caregiver Support
US Department of Veterans Affairs Services
810 Vermont Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20420
899 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri 8am-11pm (EST); Sat 10:30am-6pm (EST)
Description: The Caregiver Support Line was created to recognize the significant contributions made by caregivers allowing Veterans to remain at home surrounded by family and friends.
Description: Provides local support group meetings, online meetings, and phone meetings.
Across the Spectrum - Parent Virtual Support Group
Not a Physical Location
5622 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Tues, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Description: SN ONLY - Provides a monthly virtual support group where parents can share, connect, and discuss diagnoses, family life, special diets, educational needs, and more.
Contact Hours: Tues, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Description: SN ONLY - Provides a monthly virtual support group where military parents can share, connect, and discuss diagnoses, family life, special diets, educational needs, and more.
Description: Provides a 12 Step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, where individuals share their experiences and strengths to solve their common problems with clutter and help each other recover.
Description: Offers support group for people with similar experiences, concerns, and needs an opportunity to come together to give and receive support.
Description: Provides a support group for men's and women's issues such as divorced and separated; widows and widowers; seniors; adults 40 and over; LGBTQ Teens, adults, family, friends and allies.
Description: Provides a range of semi-structured counseling groups, aimed to assist a specific range of clients and/or concerns, such as anger management, dialectical behavior therapy, emotion regulation, interpersonal growth/teen/youth coping groups.
Description: Provides support and information to family and friends of people with aphasia due to stroke.
Gifts From Jada Foundation - Grief Relief
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Coral Springs, FL
5622 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a five week grief support group of relief and resources to children, teens, adults, and families following the death of a loved one.
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation - Support Group
Meadows Road Location
800 Meadows Road, Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Boca Raton, FL
5622 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a support group for individuals with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis and their families and friends.