Results for "Mutual Support, Florida, USA"
191 results statewide
12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous Program
Not a Physical Location
Gainesville, FL, 32606
273 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides meetings, information, support, and helpline for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous Program
South Pine Avenue Location
616 South Pine Avenue, Ocala, FL, 34471
231 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides meetings, information, support, and helpline.
Substance Use Services
Northwrest1st Avenue Location
415 Northwest 1st Avenue, Ocala, FL, 34475
237 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides a faith-based support group for substance use disorder.
Support Groups
San Jose Boulevard Location
5209 San Jose Boulevard, Suite 102, Jacksonville, FL, 32207
294 Miles—Get Directions
(904) 731-3752 Ext: 8775537453
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Description: Provides a variety of monthly support group meetings. Online support groups via Facebook are also available.
Support Groups
Northeast 1st Street Location
309 Northeast 1st Street, Suite 20 and 21, Gainesville, FL, 32601
267 Miles—Get Directions
(352) 378-4324 Ext: 8775537453
Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Description: Provides a variety of monthly support group meetings. Online support groups via Facebook are also available.
Description: Provides various support groups, including grief support counseling for persons affected by a loved one, a grief support camp for children and teens dealing with loss, and a caregiver support group.
Support Groups
NW 90th Blvd - Location
4200 NW 90th Blvd, Gainesville, FL, 32606
273 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides various support groups, including grief support counseling for persons affected by a loved one, a grief support camp for children and teens dealing with loss, and a caregiver support group.
Transition Program Caregiver Support Groups
Southwest 34 Avenue Location
3231 Southwest 34 Avenue, Ocala, FL, 34474
234 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides weekly caregiver support so caregivers can rest, exercise, reach out to others for support, talk about their worries, and more.
Bereavement Support Groups
Southeast 62nd Street Location - 2895
2895 Southeast 62nd Steet, Ocala, FL, 34480
228 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides support groups for families and caregivers of terminally ill patients who have recently passed.
Community Council Against Substance Use
3482 NW 10th St Location
3482 NW 10th St, Ocala, FL, 34475
237 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides interventions that reduce the impact of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other substance use on youth.
Students Against Destructive Decisions - Sadd
3482 NW 10th St Location
3482 NW 10th St, Ocala, FL, 34475
237 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides prevention tools for underage drinking, substance use, risky and impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. Also offers peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism.
Description: Provides an anonymous text tip line for youth to text to report concerns about substance use, mental health, gun violence, or school safety.
12-Step Narcotics Anonymous Program
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Gainesville, FL, 32604
268 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Description: Provides 12-Step Narcotics Anonymous meetings (in person and virtual), information, emotional support, and a helpline.
12-Step Narcotics Anonymous Program
Not a Physical Location
Not a Physical Location, Ocala, FL, 34478
234 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides 12-step Narcotics Anonymous meetings, information, support, and a helpline.
Mental Health Services
NW 6th St Location
635 NW 6th St, Gainesville, FL, 32601
268 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides mental health related services including educational classes, support groups, family support meetings, public seminars and provides referrals to local resources.
Support Groups
NW 53rd Ave Location - Ste A
2100 NW 53rd Ave, Ste A, Gainesville, FL, 32653
268 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides two separate support groups for domestic violence survivors and children exposed to domestic violence. Support groups offer educational information and advocacy.
Cancer Support
Southeast 17th Street Location
2020 Southeast 17th Street, Ocala, FL, 34471
231 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides counseling and guidance in finding financial and medical resources from pre-diagnosis throughout treatment and beyond.
Cancer Support
Southwest State Road 200 Location - Building 800
9401 Southwest State Road 200, Building 800, Ocala, FL, 34481
236 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides counseling and guidance in finding financial and medical resources from pre-diagnosis throughout treatment and beyond.
Faith Based Pregnancy Services
East Silver Springs Boulevard Location
1701 East Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, FL, 34470
233 Miles—Get Directions
Contact Hours: Mon - Thurs, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Fri, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Description: Provides pregnancy testing, ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, parenting classes, adoption support group, post-abortion recovery, and community services referrals.
Support Groups
West US Hwy 90 - Location
6037 West US Hwy 90, Lake City, FL, 32055
312 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides various support groups, including grief support counseling for persons affected by a loved one, a grief support camp for children and teens dealing with loss, and a caregiver support group.