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School Board - Student Services (SS)

Homeless Education Program (HEART)

1400 Northwest 14th Court, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33311

Distance: 5 Miles

(754) 321-1566


Contact Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Service Details

Service Description

Assists students experiencing homelessness, to enroll, attend and succeed in school.

The following services are available: - School supplies and uniform items - Coordination of transportation to school (certain rules apply) - Referrals to school and community services (e.g. School Social Worker, Family Counseling, medical, dental and mental health referrals etc.) - Retrieval of immunization records and State of Florida birth certificates - After school care services (K-8th) - Summer Camp opportunities - Cap and gown rental at no cost to graduating high school students and verification letters needed to apply for college and the FAFSA (Free Application For Student Aid) - Shelter-Based Supplemental Academic Instruction - Presentations to Community Agencies and Civic Groups


  • Help Me Grow Program
    • YES 
  • Homeless Inventory
    • YES 
  • Languages other than English
    • American Sign Language 
    • Haitian Creole 
    • Spanish 
  • Youth Program
    • YES 


Students experiencing homelessness. Eligibility for services will be effective from July 1 through June 30 of any school year. Students registered under the McKinney-Vento Act shall re-enroll each school year. Definition of homeless students includes now students lacking a fixed, regular or adequate nighttime residence including students (Pre K - 12) who are "doubled-up" sharing the housing of others due to their family's loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reasons. The primary nighttime residence of students may also include motels, camping grounds, residing in emergency or transitional shelters or in some instances, living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, bus stations and other public places.

Application Instructions

Parents of children experiencing homelessness complete a school registration/enrollment form. The form includes housing information that will be shared with the Homeless Education Liaison to qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act, which includes free meals, and other services. The right to attend the student's school of origin extends to the duration of homelessness and each school must post public notice of educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness and they must also post the contact information of the district's Homeless Education Liaison, which is Carole Mitchell for Broward County (754)321-1566.


No fee.

Area Served

Broward County


Last Update


Other Locations

This provider does not offer this service at other locations.