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Disaster Relief Miscellaneous Agencies

Immigrant Families Assistance

Not a Physical Location, FL

Distance: 0 Miles

(800) 621-3362

Contact Hours: If you have a speech disability or hearing loss and use a TTY, call 1-800-427-5593 directly. If you use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 1-800-621-3362

Service Details

Service Description

FEMA is providing assistance for U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or a qualified alien to qualify for a grant from thier Individuals and Households Program. However, undocumented individuals can apply on behalf of a minor child who is a citizen and has a social security number. FEMA can provide information about obtaining a social security number for a minor child. The minor child must live with the parent/guardian applying on his/her behalf. Other Individual Assistance programs such as Crisis Counseling, Disaster Legal Services and other short-term, non-cash emergency assistance, such as congregate shelters, are available to an individual and family regardless of citizenship status. Additionally, voluntary agencies provide help regardless of citizenship/immigration status.


Broward County Residents. Regardless of your immigration status, you may still be eligible to apply for FEMA.

Application Instructions

You will be asked to sign a Declaration and Release form stating that you are a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien.  If you cannot sign the Declaration and Release, another adult household member who is eligible can sign it and no information regarding your status will be gathered. If you cannot sign the Declaration and Release but you have a minor child who is a U.S. Citizen or a Qualified Alien residing with you, you can apply for assistance on your child's behalf and no information regarding your status will be gathered.  You will be asked to sign a declaration that your child is a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien. You may register online at or on a smartphone at FEMA and if Disaster Recovery Centers have been established in your area, they can assist you in the registration process.


No fee.

Area Served


Last Update
